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When to study?

nordeendnordeend Alum Member
in General 349 karma
I am starting a full time job and am planning to take the June 2015 test. My hours will be 8am-5pm. I am 40% through the curriculum. Should I study before work and review in the evening? Just in the evening? Weekends?

Any advice is appreciated.


  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    Whenever you can take out time and whenever it is comfortable to you... just make sure you put in consistent effort, that is all... remember this process has to be about YOU.... and not the test... the test is a stepping stone in YOU achieving your goal.... which leads me to my next point which is that it is good to have a time-frame to sit the exam... i.e. like June... but if you are not ready by June then don't give the test then... shift it three months into the future... you will still be ready to submit your apps for the coming cycle... give it when YOU feel that you can own it... strive to meet your goal...but don't stress it too much.
  • nordeendnordeend Alum Member
    349 karma
    Thank you!
  • AfterthoughtAfterthought Member
    48 karma
    I also work full-time atm. So just some insight on how/when I study. I do drills/review during my 30 min morning commute (by train) to and from work. If I can, I also try to study during my lunch break. After work, I try to squeeze in another 1-2 hours immediately after I get home. This is just because once I get home I tend to feel really tired from work, the week etc that my brain is just crapped out. And then I do the bulk of my studies on the weekend. At the end of Sunday I usually am getting materials I want to work on prepped for the following week.

    Like previous poster, I agree it's what you are comfortable with while being consistent. I think you'll find out after the first week or so when you'll have the time and mental resources to afford study during the work week. Just remember not to half-heartedly do sets/lessons when you're tired from work. Pushing just to finish doesn't help anyone in the long run. Quality > Quantity.
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Great advice Nilesh. Yeah I'm working full-time right now while studying. Not to mention I'll have to put in a lot of overtime hours soon because my firm will be extremely busy for the next 2 months. Keep these three things in mind: balance, balance, and balance. If you can balance your work load and your studying--you'll do well.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Make sure you set a couple of hours aside during the day. Don't over do it. and also remember to get enough sleep. Your health is also important.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    yeah whatever works best for you, if that means waking up early and getting a bit in before and then a bit more after work, do that, if the morning is too rough, go ahead and get it all in after work, and of course if you can't retain or focus after work try to get it all in before and adjust your sleep schedule accordingly. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT! so don't just ignore it to study
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I would say whenever works best. However, sleep is very important. I took the December LSAT and worked full time the entire time. It was physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting. I burnt out easily and lost hope a lot of the time. Be mindful of that!
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