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Logic Games

jessicarose0426jessicarose0426 Core Member
in Logic Games 5 karma

Hey guys,

Does anyone have any advice about when to go through answer choices just using the rules vs when to make different inferences/extra boards? I noticed some can be done using just the rules while others it's best to make two, three boards.. not sure how to decide in order to maximize my time.

Also, anyone know if spatial sequencing prevalent on recent LSAT's?



  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    Hi there!

    In general, if you notice that many questions on a game are global questions (naked MBT, CBT, MBF) then I think that is typically a strong indication that the game is probably a good candidate to split your game boards to represent all possible worlds. Conversely, if you don't see up front any clear nodes to split on and most of the questions give you additional premises that lock certain game pieces in place, then maybe it is a rule driven game where you should just use your rule list to eliminate incorrect answer choices and/or prove out the correct one.

    As far as spatial sequencing games go, I dont believe that they are as common on the newer tests as they were on the older tests. That being said, the test writers can come up with anything they want at any time. If you find yourself struggling with spatial games, I would still drill them. If a spatial game comes up on your test you will be glad you spent the time drilling. Even if a spatial game dose not come up, just the practice making inferences and building good habits in your mind will be very beneficial. I hope this helps!

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