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Do all problem sets?

173orbust173orbust Alum Member
in General 183 karma

Hey everyone! I had a quick question about problem sets. While going through the core curriculum, should I be doing every problem set at the end of a unit? I have heard from some people that it can be advisable to save some of them to work on weak points once I start PTing. What do you think is best? For example, for MSS questions, there are 12 problem sets available. How many should I be doing before moving on to the next section? Thank you for the help.

Problem Set Poll
  1. How many problem sets should I be doing during the CC34 votes
    1. All of them
    2. Half and save the rest for drilling weak points
    3. Only 2 or 3 and save the rest for drilling weak points


  • BLS231196BLS231196 Alum Member
    74 karma

    Hey @SCOTUSorBust I would advise doing all of the problem sets.

    What I do is have created a Wrong Answer Journal in Google Sheets to track answers I have gotten wrong and over time you will forget the answers to these questions. I refer back to them when going back to review things I am weak at.

    Let me know if you find this helpful.

  • Jahn.SnowJahn.Snow Member
    316 karma

    I agree with @brando123! I also keep my WAJ on google sheets and review it periodically. You can create problem sets on 7sage with the questions you got wrong, and 7sage keeps track of your progress which is helpful.

    Do the problem sets- but don't do them just to get that little green check mark- really digest what you get wrong and right during this process to make the most out of your time. Drilling will come after!

  • 173orbust173orbust Alum Member
    183 karma

    Thanks for the advice guys. I did not realize that there were sections for drilling at the end of the CC anyway. I will be doing all of the problem sets and keeping a wrong answer journal.

  • 60 karma

    Imo, whilst drilling through them all makes a lot of sense for sure, I am personally under a pretty tight deadline to move through the curriculum.

    I'd recommend that if you have enough time, you can just finish the questions in the drills. But if you're pressed for time, do the second half (as they are generally harder then the first half).

    Just my take though, haven't sat my official lsat yet, so I guess take my comments with a grain of salt.

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