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How to Approach 7sage Curriculum: When to take PTs?

bellamaxbellamax Member
in General 68 karma


I recently started the 7sage course and I'm about a quarter of the way through the core curriculum. I was wondering if you all would recommend finishing the core curriculum and THEN taking practice tests, or taking practice tests (i.e. timed sections that correspond to the core curriculum topic) throughout the core curriculum lessons?

I guess I just feel a little bit of a rush because I haven't take a practice test in a while since starting the course and I'm hoping to take the test before the end of the year..If anyone has any input on what approach worked for them, I'd really appreciate it!! Thank you!


  • Kris4444Kris4444 Member
    266 karma

    Personally I'd recommend finishing the CC first. No sense in burning through PTs before you're even ready. If you want to get practice taking timed sections before you take a full PT you can take some of the sections from the earlier PTs to practice without using up a more recent PT. Even then, though, I'd finish the CC first. As long as you're retaining everything well, I think the short problem sets are enough to drill a specific topic. Good luck!

  • austin.caustin.c Member
    50 karma

    I did the full CC except for some question sets and a lot of the Reading Comp practice sections. I didn't do every single drill, especially the beginning translation ones in those text boxes.

    Then started taking weekly PTs.

    What's nice is that I can go back and practice weak questions types like LR-Flaw or RC-Science passages.

  • DB_Journeyto1LDB_Journeyto1L Alum Member
    26 karma

    I would recommend doing the full CC first and then start taking PTs. I purchased 7Sage last July with the intent of taking the exam in October 2019. I ended up only doing maybe 1/4 of the CC before starting to do PTs and I was so confused and defeated when my score did not improve from when I originally to the test at the beginning of my studying. For personal reasons, I decided not to apply last cycle.

    This time around, I am doing the full CC and will beginning doing weekly PTS, starting on the 15th (that's when my study schedule says I'll be done). So far, this process has helped a lot and I'm understanding the material faster.

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