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Color coding Sufficient/Necessary Conditions in LR

pdkp2010pdkp2010 Member

Has anyone tried color coding sufficient/necessary conditions in LR?
If so, has it made it easier for you, even up to the point that you don't have to write it out any more.

For example, highlighting all sufficient conditions yellow and necessary conditions orange. You can map it out easier on paper then as well.

In the unless statements, don't highlight the not in the sufficient condition, just the rest of the sufficient condition so its read with the negation done already.

Or the 3 seconds to physically clicking the button to change highlight colors just kills too much time?

Any thoughts... Thanks


  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    You absolutely do not have enough time to do this. Furthermore, for me at least, any highlighting or other markings take away from my ability to see how everything connects. Practice recognizing sufficient and necessary conditions without any markings; it will be well worth your time.

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