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PT Improvements

sakethsaran1998-1sakethsaran1998-1 Alum Member
in General 246 karma

Hey Guys! I will be taking the LSAT in October. I finished the CC in the last week of June. I built a new schedule which involves me taking 22 PTs before Test day. Only doing 22 PTs would allow be to devote enough time to reviewing every mistake and drilling my weak areas. I took my first PT today and scored a 163. My goal is to hit 168. Is a 5 point jump achievable as I take and review more PTs? or should I go back to the CC and spend more time on my weak areas and then start PTing?
My score breakdown is as follows LR -5( -4 BR) LG -3 (-1 BR) RC -7 (-5 BR)


  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    Yes it's achievable. Use your PT wrong answers to guide you to the areas at which you need to improve. Some of the best advice I got was to not take a new PT until you learned or improved upon something from the last PT. So I found drilling between PTs very helpful.

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