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Problem Set Advice

server123server123 Core Member
in General 6 karma

Hey everyone

A few questions regarding problem sets.

1) Should I do all the problem sets under timed conditions or should I start of without any restrictions?

2) Should I be worried if I am not improving as I go through the problem sets? Is the main purpose of a problem set to familiarize myself with the questions and strategy or to perfect the subject matter. Over all the problem sets in a section I am averaging around 4/5 with 4.5/5 BR.

Thanks for the help.


    591 karma

    I would suggest that you do some problem sets without restrictions so that you can focus on understanding and thinking in the right way. When you're more familiar with thinking in the right process, try to do some problem sets under time pressure to see how things go.
    I think you should review problem sets questions thoroughly before you proceed to do the next. You should see improvement if you learn from your mistakes. When doing problem sets, I think you should try to familiarize yourself with the process of doing each question type and how to parse out arguments efficiently.

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