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Help with Personal Statement

Hi, I am really having a hard time coming up with a topic for my personal statement. I've sat down to write it probably a dozen times, and...nothing. I've tried thinking of anecdotal stories from my childhood. I've tried going the "why do I want to be a lawyer" route. I've tried thinking about the the "hardest thing I've overcome". I've tried addressing why I want to practice immigration. I'll get one paragraph out then scratch it. I'm feeling really discouraged about it. I studied 6+ months for the LSAT and brought my score up from a 149 to a 165. In some ways the LSAT seems less daunting than this personal statement. Any suggestions? Anything helps. Thanks in advance.

Here are bullet points of my life/educational background:

  • Homeschooled

  • Community college: Earned AA (living at home)

  • State College for last two years (Poli-Sci degree) (Culture shock first semester as I caught up on two decades of social development)

  • Dept of State Internship at US Embassy in Mexico City

  • Immigration Paralegal work (3yrs)

  • Founded my own immigration paralegal services business this year

  • Notes: Learned Spanish as an adult (I don't come from a Hispanic background). Now use it everyday for work. Have traveled/lived extensively in Latin America.

  • LSAT: Mid 160s / GPA 3.1 (Strong GPA addendum for one semester with low grades)


  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    4312 karma

    Have you checked out the resources that 7sage offers? &

    A few things to ask yourself to find a topic you really care about are;
    What drives you as a person?
    What’s a time—a year, a month, even a day—that helped define who you are today?
    What do you care about most? When did you first begin to care about it?

    Based on what you've shared I immediately wanted to hear more about; What it was like to live in Mexico City-did you change after that experience? What did the culture shock feel like-what was different from your homeschool experience to university? Whatever you choose to write about, it'll always be different and unique from someone else. Two people could decide to write about the process of making a peanut butter jelly sandwich, but they won't be identical. Their experiences will be different though they share the same event. One may write about how they cut the crust off and slice the sandwich straight down the middle, the other may write about how the crust is their favorite part but they cut the sandwich diagonally. The point is; you may share the same encounter or life changing event as someone, but no one has the same experience, and that is what makes you unique. Best of luck!

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