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Reading Comprehension Advice

IPioneerIPioneer Alum Member

Reading Comp is my worst section by far because I can get lost in the complexity or density of the reading and lose too much time or I can struggle in other ways. What advice does anyone have for doing well on reading? Any secrets I need to focus on to improve?


  • Heinz DoofenshmirtzHeinz Doofenshmirtz Member
    481 karma

    I love 7 sage a lot, and think it's by far the best LSAT course out there....however for reading comprehension I saw my scores increase when I used the LSAT trainer. In my opinion the LSAT Trainer in and of itself is not sufficient for the intricacies of the LSAT, but it's an excellent primer and great way to build the fundamentals. In RC, I would get lost in the intricacies of the passages, when really RC is all about the fundamental skills---analyzing passage structure, authors opinion, etc.

    Of course different methods work for different people. But just wanted to cast my vote for the LSAT Trainer (for RC atleast), since you said you get lost in the complexity and density of the passages, and the Trainer teaches you to view each passage as a formula, allowing you to focus on the big picture and not the tiny details that are easy to get caught up in.

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