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Do I understand Weakening Q's?

AlwaysBeClosingAlwaysBeClosing Alum Member
edited August 2020 in General 87 karma

Hey guys, I've spent quite a while on weakening questions in the CC. I took a break and formulated a weakening question for fun to see if I properly understand them. Would you mind taking a look at my Weakening Q and letting me know if I have a fundamental understanding of it?


AlwaysBeClosing: Every time I sit down at the couch, the dogs run up and sit on my lap. They must really like me because I don't see them doing this with anybody else.

Friend: My dogs are trained to find the weakest human in the room to get treats. Then, they sit on that person's lap. Therefore, my dogs don't actually like you, they just want treats.

AlwaysBeClosing: :(

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument made by the Friend in response to AlwaysBeClosing?
(A) ABC has never encountered a dog that didn't like him.
(B) The Friend's dog gets treats frequently before ABC comes over to the Friend's house.
(C) ABC's mom considers him to be an emotionally strong person.
(D) The dogs sit on the laps of people they've known for a long time. ABC has known them since birth.
(E) The dogs don't like most people.



  • edited August 2020 425 karma

    A.) Irrelevant
    B.) That's great the dog gets treats before ABC comes over, but it does not rule out the possibility that the dog wants more treats. The dog still could be sitting on his lap because he wants treats. Does not weaken.
    C.) Irrelevant
    D.) This weakens because it provides another explanation for why the dog is sitting on ABC's lap. The dog sits on his lap not because he wants treats, but because the dog has known him a long time.
    E.) This could be true, but it doesn't weaken the argument. The dog could hate ABC but still sit on his lap for treats.

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