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Anyone have RC success without predicting each paragraph

Lately I’ve been trying to predict the rough scope/main idea of each paragraph and I’ve been having a super hard time. I know that it’s because I haven’t done it enough, and that only practice and time can bridge the gap. That being said, I was wondering how many of you actually predict the main idea/scope of each paragraph (besides the intro of course). And if some of you don’t do it, have you had much success without it?

RC Paragraph predictions
  1. Predict Scope/Main Idea for Each Paragraph12 votes
    1. Yea
    2. Nay


  • BullfroggerBullfrogger Member
    184 karma

    I started having a lot more success when I stopped doing this and just tried to understand each sentence that I was reading. I you understand every sentence you read and the reason the author wrote the passage you will be fine. The paragraph breaks are basically random and I think it is more trouble than it's worth trying to do that.

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