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LR Hurdles

looking for advise on this:
LG isn't a problem for me considering I usually average -0~-4.
RC is an issue since it fluctuates, but there's only so much I can do for that aside from reading more and working on the CC recs.
LR is an issue. A big one. I'm averaging -10~-14 on average and I can't bring it down. My best score is a 161 on PT 70 with -8 which is great (RC was -10)...but I can't break back into the single digits for LR. I'm not saying that score isn't good considering I started in May with a 141 diagnostic, but I'm aiming for aside from just drilling LRs (which I'm doing right now with PSets and LSAT Demon), what's another approach? Is it just going to click one day?

Looking for some wisdom on this~


  • Hans ZimmerHans Zimmer Member
    edited August 2020 541 karma

    I've gone from around -12 to -14 to around -5 by reviewing every single AC on every single LR question from every PT that I take.

    It's pretty laborious but I sit there and articulate my reasoning as to why each AC is right/wrong. I also print out each test and will often dissect the stimulus as to where context ends, and where argument begins and this has led to a 100% accuracy on MP questions.

    Unfortunately for me this is the only section I'm alright at lol. But I hope this helps.

  • dwillzkaydwillzkay Member
    51 karma

    @"Hans Zimmer" said:
    I've gone from around -12 to -14 to around -5 by reviewing every single AC on every single LR question from every PT that I take.

    It's pretty laborious but I sit there and articulate my reasoning as to why each AC is right/wrong. I also print out each test and will often dissect the stimulus as to where context ends, and where argument begins and this has led to a 100% accuracy on MP questions.

    Unfortunately for me this is the only section I'm alright at lol. But I hope this helps.

    Time to start doing it.
    Laborious things tend to make sense in creating that mental muscle memory~

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