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Test Date Advice

legallytiredlegallytired Member
in General 442 karma

hi guys,

i am taking the august flex this weekend, and i am registered for the october flex. i chose the october one because i want to be able to apply as early as i can, but now i am thinking that between the august test to the october test will not be enough time for me to improve by much, especially with going back to school full time. i've been reading a lot of different things about applying early vs scoring even one point better and i am not sure what to do. powerscore says that it is much more better to have a higher score and apply in december (thats probably when i would end up applying after the november test) rather than apply early with a score lower than your potential. but i am still unsure. is it a big difference from applying by the end of october to applying mid december?

thank you for any advice, i appreciate it and good luck to all who are taking the flex this weekend :)

October or November
  1. Keep the Oct. Date & apply by end of Oct or switch to Nov & apply mid Dec, having more time to study8 votes
    1. Keep October
    2. Switch to November


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Hm is it possible to wait for your August score before deciding if you want to push the test? I agree that 1-2 months isn't a ton of time to improve, but it really depends on how much you want to improve. If you're mostly happy with your August score but just want to try to get 3 points higher, then a month may be good enough

    If the deadlines make it so that you have to decide if you want to push your Oct test now, though, then definitely push to November.

  • legallytiredlegallytired Member
    442 karma

    @noonawoon i just checked and the test change deadline is september 23rd which is after the scores come out! thank you for pointing that out, i didnt even think to check. thank u for responding!! i appreciate it

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