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Tips for improving

Cooper28Cooper28 Alum Member

Hey, whats up.

I am taking the LSAT in October and reading comprehension is by far my worst section. I could use any tips that has helped you so I could try and see if it helps me. I am generally getting -10 to -13 per section. I would love to get that down before I actually take the exam.



  • h3ll woodsh3ll woods Member
    8 karma
    1. read for structure! - at the end of every paragraph take a second and think about how that factored into what the author is trying to get across
    2. make SURE you know what the first paragraph is saying- EVERY sentence - skimming or daydreaming during the first paragraph will almost surely lead to you missing points on questions
    3. keep in mind the authors tone - you can do this by highlighting or just remembering words or phrases that tipped you off to what the author's opinion is
      good luck :)
  • on your free time, read something like the economist, or the New York times! read on topics you normally wouldn't read. Additionally, I like to give each paragraph during RC a "thesis" or something to sum it up. After each paragraph, ask yourself what role did this paragraph have? if you can answer that.

    something JY said in the videos, is don't focus on what you don't know, especially when it comes to something you never learned about. Focus on what you know. It is so easy for us to start panicking because we don't know what anything means.

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