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Do law schools contact employers?

I currently work for a law firm that’s unaware I’m applying to law school this cycle (I’m scared I will lose my job if they know I’m leaving next fall). They are listed on my resume and my personal statement but my boss is not a recommender. Do law schools typically contact employers about the applicant?


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I can't guarantee they won't, but I highly doubt they would A. Go through the trouble and B. take that invasive a step. As barred attorneys they are probably well aware of privacy concerns and ramifications of contacting an employer who is not aware you are planning on attending law school. Maybe a 7sage rep could chime in?

  • ColdBrew180ColdBrew180 Member
    156 karma

    As VerdantZephyr said, highly doubtful. First readers of applications spend minimum 3-5 and max 20 minutes per application. During a webinar, I heard an Admissions Dean say there have been some instances that they would need to contact an applicant if they have questions about your application but it obviously doesn't happen in most cases (they receive thousands of applications a cycle). I think it would be more likely they would do a quick google search of the employer's linkedin/website if they really felt inclined to but not spend much more time than that.

    just an opinion, though, of course ;)

  • 7Sage Editors7Sage Editors Member
    17 karma

    Agree with @VerdantZephyr and @ColdBrew180. If your application leaves the law school with a question—and if they take the time to find out the answer—they will almost certainly reach out to you, not your employer. I wouldn't worry about this at all.

    Good luck!

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