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Last Week Strategy. Aiming for 169

Sinanana7Sinanana7 Member
edited September 2020 in General 155 karma

A week left to the October Exam! Over my last 5 PTs, I'm averaging LR: -4.4 LG: -1.4 RC: -6.
What do you think I should focus on for the last week?
Little background, I started studying two months ago (5 weeks on 7Sage). Diagnostic at 159 and highest PT a couple weeks ago 171. Averaging 166 now. I didn't go through the core curriculum for RC at all because of the time constraint.

Last Week Strategy
  1. What should I focus on for the last week?11 votes
    1. LR
    2. LG
    3. RC
    4. Nothing you can do now lol


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