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Gap Year? Apply this cycle?

sierra_km24sierra_km24 Member
edited September 2020 in General 73 karma

Hi everyone,

As the title states, I feel like I'm in a rut. I've been consistently studying 6-7 days a week since June. I started off in June 2020 with my diagnostic of 150, and my most recent PT's have been 165, 161, and 162. I started with PowerScore in July, and to be honest...I really wish I had my $1215 back after using 7sage for the past weeks. I'm only 19% through the CC and feel like I have just wasted my entire summer. I'm scheduled to take the October and November exams. In a perfect world, I'd be able to have enough time go to through the entire CC at a steady pace and give 100% effort rather than feeling like I'm racing some imaginary clock to my impending doom.

For reference, my LSAC GPA is 3.93 from UCLA. My ideal schools would be USC or UCLA, because I'd like to practice on the West Coast. I frequently read posts on Reddit or on this discussion forum and see users with a similar GPA scoring 170+. What am I doing wrong? Maybe I am just a bad test taker, but I feel like I could and should be scoring higher. I don't want this to come off as arrogant in any way, but I feel like I would be "wasting" a relatively good GPA I've built up only to get a score in the low 160s, and I really don't know where to go from here. I know I can do better — I've had BRs of 167, 172, and even 175. My averages are -5 LG, -6 LR, and -7 RC.

I'm looking for advice or to hear if any of you guys have had a similar experience. Time is passing so quickly, yet I am just not where I want to be. With my current averages, I'm expecting to get 160-162 on the exam in October. Is it worth it to take October and November and apply this cycle and see what happens, or should I wait until next year? I technically cannot postpone October but I still can switch my November date. If I was to apply this cycle, and hypothetically get accepted to a T50, I would just feel haunted by the "what if?" if I had taken time to seriously improve my score and reach a higher potential. On the other hand, with the world as uncertain as it is today, I don't even know if I could improve my score well enough to pay off the risk of postponing my career by 1 year. I'm graduating in March 2021, and I would have from potentially November 2020 until the August 2021 exam to study.

Please help! I'm also completely open to study buddies! Feel free to reach out and message me. Thanks for reading, have a great day!


  • prepedonlineprepedonline Free Trial Member
    25 karma

    Due to COVID 19 this year nothing is happening on time. so If you apply this cycle then also may be delay due COVID 19 you have to GAP for a year. so in this case you will get enough time to preparation. and get a opportunity to take admission in top collages. because one year gap does not matter if you get opportunity to take admission in reputed university this will cover automatically when you get a higher package. With this answer I wish you a bright future.

  • ahope_0613ahope_0613 Member
    edited September 2020 7 karma

    DM'd you

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