Hey everyone,
Looking at all the posts here, I'm hoping this idea will be useful to everyone interested in finding somebody to study with.
I created a Google form that will ideally help us form awesome study teams via matching by progress, test date,
location, etc.
Like the eHarmony of LSAT, but obviously way cooler. :-D If I missed anything pertinent, there's an "additional notes" field.
Please give this a try! This will only be effective if lots of people join in.
Find study buddy - Masterlist EntryEveryone can view results after filling out the form. View the spreadsheet of submitted responses
here, but please
fill out the form first!
Tip: After you fill out the form, you can
View previous responses and/or
Edit your response. Bookmark this page so you can edit your entry whenever you want!
You can also sort A->Z by column on the spreadsheet ("Data" --> sort), or use ctrl+F to search for keywords.
P.S. While any info entered IS public, it's as anonymous as you want it to be. The only identifiable link is to your 7Sage name.
I almost feel like I should be paying you commission for coming up with these ideas—increased score translates to increased scholarship—it's gonna mean dollars and cents somewhere down the line!
@nicole.hopkins Lol no worries, no plans to patent anything :-P Haha this reminds me of our RC passage no. 4 from last night. I don't wholly own these ideas because I'm using institutional 7Sage resources! So my idea is your idea. ;-) Seriously, the amazing people here are the groundwork for everything and I'm just indulging my entrepreneurial spirit.
"Study Buddy" notification pop up New feature in the works?? Nvm this was probably just always there and I'm dumb.
And—the study buddy feature in 7sage is awesome! It lets others see your analytics.
View the spreadsheet of submitted responses here, but please fill out the form first!
Tip: After you fill out the form, you can both View previous responses and/or Edit your response. Bookmark this page so you can edit your entry whenever you want!
If you forgot to do this and lost the link to edit, you can also submit the form again and I can delete your previous entry. :-)