Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). I got royally screwed... - 7Sage Forum

I got royally screwed...

An_SkywalkerAn_Skywalker Member
edited October 2020 in General 160 karma

I just took my October Flex today. I asked my proctor specifically before the test begin if he would pause my test should I lose internet connection, and he said yes. The first section was LG, and I was about to go into the last game (with six questions total) with about 6 minutes remaining, when my wifi cut out. I took about 20 minutes to reset the router, and when I finally reconnected, this time with another proctor, I was allowed to resume my test.

However, when the proctor "resumed" my session, I immediately got kicked into my next Section. As time was already running in the 2nd section, I had to decide either to continue with the test and bring up the issue with the first section at the end of the exam, or just call it off right there and then and sort it out with LSAC. I decided to go with the former, still thinking that the first proctor saved my progress (since he promised...).

The RC and LR sections felt like a blur. I tried my best to concentrate, but I was still worried that they didn't save my progress. And of course, exactly that happened. After completing my final section, I was transported to the LawHub Completion page. I asked my proctor to allow me to resume my first section. They made me wait for almost an hour, only to be told to contact LSAC myself. So I did. I called LSAC, and I was told that "an email" would be sent to me, listing my options. However, I was told these options won't include allowing me to complete my first Section or letting me take a brand new LG section to supplement Section 1.

Now I'm just sitting, still in shock, trying to keep myself together, and waiting for an email that probably wouldn't help me.


  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    You'll probably have to cancel this score and get a coupon for a future administration. When I had severe connectivity issues during my July FLEX I immediately filed a complaint on the website and phoned in and they gave me a coupon.

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    Also want to add that I think this is what's super annoying about the FLEX, we spend so long studying and building up our stamina for this test only to have it all go to shit because of tech issues. And especially since a lot of us strategically plan on taking the LSAT early so increase chances of admission. It is October, after all... hopefully their customer service has improved since my issue in July and they'll let you retake ASAP. Good luck though

  • An_SkywalkerAn_Skywalker Member
    160 karma

    @kilgoretrout said:
    Also want to add that I think this is what's super annoying about the FLEX, we spend so long studying and building up our stamina for this test only to have it all go to shit because of tech issues. And especially since a lot of us strategically plan on taking the LSAT early so increase chances of admission. It is October, after all... hopefully their customer service has improved since my issue in July and they'll let you retake ASAP. Good luck though

    @kilgoretrout thanks! I hope this is the case.

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