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Is there a way to take the practice tests with my extended time?

mrzacksmrzacks Core Member
in General 4 karma

I have approved extended time (time plus 1.5). is there a way on this site to use that extended time to practice for the real LSAT?


  • disindexdisindex Member
    57 karma

    On the 7sage PrepTest function, click the clock at the top and click +50% time.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @mrzacks said:
    I have approved extended time (time plus 1.5). is there a way on this site to use that extended time to practice for the real LSAT?

    Hi there,

    Yes, as stated in the comment above, you can adjust the time by tapping on the clock icon in the Digital Tester. You can then select +50% time (accommodations). See the screenshot below:


    Let us know if you have any further questions.

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