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Am I an "international" applicant?

ElichunksElichunks Member
edited October 2020 in Law School Admissions 69 karma

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if I am considered an "international" applicant if I have a bachelor's degree from an American college (well-known, located in the US). I am not a U.S. citizen nor a green card holder. I'm asking if I should check the box "international" when I use these law school predictors on different websites.


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’d be considered international, given that you’re not a U.S. citizen/permanent resident.

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @Logician is correct I believe. You are not a US citizen so you are international.

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