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date on letter of recs?

does anyone know that whether there will a date appearing on your recommendation letter? like when it is written by the recommender or when it is uploaded to the LSAC, etc. I'm asking this because I will apply next year but would like to get a letter of recs from a professor that I had classes with last semester during my exchange. I'm thinking about getting the letter into the system first and using it next year when I'm applying, but also worry about whether the date (if there is one) would cause any confusion...or that doesn't matter?

or maybe, should I ask for that next year? just thought that now i won't really need to refresh his memory about me since we talked around 2 months ago.

Thanks for your advice!! :)


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Yes they do see the date of the recommendation!

    However, I recommend getting them now while you are still fresh in your recommender's mind. Some schools (YLS) say they don't care if a LOR is a year or two old, and in fact recommend getting your LOR while your work with the prof is still recent. There wouldn't be any difference in the material of the letter now or in a year since it's not like you are staying around to work for that prof or anything.

  • 27 karma

    @noonawoon that's very helpful! thank you!

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