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Hello 7Sagers,
I have seen a couple of January study groups but haven’t had any luck so far. I am looking for a couple study partners who are currently scoring in the high 150s hoping to break 165+ in January. Right now, I am taking one PT a week, taking a full day to blind review, and working through what I have left of the CC.
I am mostly looking for people who would want to talk through strategy, work through the harder questions and help keep each other accountable to our study schedules.
If this interests you, please drop your email below. Thanks!
I'm taking 2-3 PTs a week though and I've finished the CC. But, it might still be possible to coordinate ?? Not sure, though.
Hey not sure if I'm too late or not but I'd love to join the study group. I'm currently scoring around 157 to 159 and looking to break 165 in Jan. My email is looking forward to hearing from you
I'd like to join, same goal for Jan. Email is
I'm pretty much in this same boat as well score wise. I take about 1 PT a week and then review it thoroughly, and try to drill in between weak points that I identified from the previous week's test. My email is Look forward to hearing from you!
I would like to join the study group, if that's possible.
I've finished the LG cc and am almost done with LR and RC cc.
My email is
Hi there! I finished the CC in September, and have been PT-ing around 157-161 with the goal score of 162-165. I am taking the November-Flex and depending on my score I may write again in January. In which case, I would be interested in connecting with other people scoring in a similar range with a similar goal score and test date. My email is
I would be happy to join too! Email:
Here’s another January Group:
I'd like to join please. My id is
Email is I have the same goal and am really good at holding myself accountable to study so I think we could work well together. Also taking the test in Jan.
Is it still possible to join this group? If so my email is
Have the same goal myself. If its still possible to join my email is
Thank you.