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lagronin98lagronin98 Free Trial Member

I have 2 "w"'s on my transcript, one in Calculus (self explanatory, was going to fail) and another in a Constitutional Law class. The second one was due to going through a lot of emotional trauma that semester, though the W did not hurt my GPA, should I write an addendum explaining why I dropped this class?


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    That probably depends how out of pattern it is. Are you a 3.9 student with a couple of concerning grades or a 2.5 student that had some issues? Did the same issues that led to you dropping the Con Law class adversely affect your GPA as a whole that semester? Also, all of this assumes that it had any affect on your LSAC GPA. While Ws do not affect your school GPA my understanding is that they sometimes do affect your LSAC GPA. I am not really sure about this, other people may have more insight.

    If there is no affect at all on your LSAC GPA I would think you could safely ignore it. Generally many ad coms believe less is more with addendums unless they have a concern about it. Then they want to have answers.

  • EbethStudent16EbethStudent16 Alum Member
    82 karma

    I agree with @VerdantZephyr. If it didn't affect your GPA (college or LSAC), I'd leave it. Pointing it out in an addendum may bring their attention to it even more.

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