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How to input majors into the application!

ameenaireneameenairene Free Trial Member

Hey y'all, having a bit of trouble with inputting majors into the active applications' sections on education. I am double majoring; both majors are unique to my undergraduate institution. One is an honors interdisciplinary major that I expanded on briefly in my resume. The other one is akin to Human Resources Management or Corporate Psychology (people in this major often go into consulting). The application has a dropdown menu for major and I was wondering if I should put "management science" down because it is close to my business-y major. There's also a space to fill in "Other Major" and I was going to put my honors interdisciplinary major there. I can't tell if the Other Major section is meant for a major that isn't on the dropdown menu or for a second major, and I am lost on how to proceed.

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