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Canadian Applicant (U of S)

notalawyernotalawyer Free Trial Member

Hi everyone! Just to preface this, I have posted in and have not had any responses so I am trying my luck here.

I am a Canadian applying to the University of Saskatchewan for the 2021 cycle. I currently have 2 LSAT scores on file and both exceed their median by a few points. My GPA is exactly their median.

I am writing the LSAT again in November in hopes of improving my score and having a chance at an entrance scholarship. I am also eager to apply as early in the cycle as possible. U of S opens their admissions on November 1. Would I be hurting my chances at scholarship consideration by applying on Nov 1? Would it even make sense to apply on Nov 1 when I have a pending LSAT score? I am really feeling the admissions process anxiety and there are very few resources available for us Canadians so any insight is appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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