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Prof not uploading LOR

emmorensemmorens Core Member

Hey guys!

This may be a silly problem to come on here with, I'm applying to Ontario (Canadian) law schools and applications are due November 1. I had a few questions:

1) I'm a re-applicant so my prof just needs to re-upload her letter, I contacted her last week letting her know I sent her the OLSAS link and she responded so I'm sure she has received it....she has not uploaded it and I'm not sure at what point to send her another email? I don't want to annoy her but I may not be able to contact her over the weekend. Should I just politely nudge her and 'check to see that she got the link'?

2) Applications are due by November 1st does that mean October 31st by midnight or November 1st by midnight? I don't plan to risk it but it would be helpful to know incase I have any issues with my referee

3) Applications being due on a weekend won't cause any problems on the system, right? (Okay I know thats a really silly question, they wouldn't make the deadline Nov 1 if weekends were a problem .... but it's just nice to put all my concerns at ease.)

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this!

Best of luck!


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