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Education Addendum Warranted?

HLEGC.2003HLEGC.2003 Alum Member
edited October 2020 in Law School Admissions 257 karma

Hey everyone,

While I was still in undergrad, I attended a 3-week legal program abroad. On my application to NYU, I was not sure how to classify the institution, so marked it as "graduate," since I received ECTS credits that can be transferred to American law schools and the program was technically for law students. However, now I am realizing that in the country where I took the course, law degrees are considered Bachelor's degrees, so I am not sure whether it was correct to classify it as a graduate institution.

I already applied to NYU, but should I send them a clarification email or addendum explaining more about the program and why I chose to classify it as a graduate institution? Any insight would be appreciated.


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    That is a great question, and probably you need a professional to answer. You could submit this question anonymously from a junk email and see what they say. You could email the schools themselves or a similarly ranked school you are not interested in.

  • HLEGC.2003HLEGC.2003 Alum Member
    257 karma

    Good idea, I think I will do that. Thanks!

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