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Resume Question (hours?)

I just went through the Resume portion of the admissions course and have a couple questions I hope someone can help me with:

1) A couple of schools I'm applying to ask to include hours: "the number of hours you spent on those activities" & "the number of hours, and the dates of employment." Anyone have experience with this? Including hours isn't mentioned in the admissions course and I have no clue how to go about it. Do they want a total # of hours? or hours per week/month? Do I include it as a bullet point?
Some of the activities and jobs were years long so I find including hours so random and difficult to fit in.

2) David recommends putting academic "awards" and "honors" in the Education section. I was wondering if anyone has included this under a separate "Awards & Honors" section instead? In my opinion it looks a lot neater when I just put my major and minor and then at the end of my resume include an Awards & Honors section with Dean's List (+ explanation of what it is), President's List (+ explanation of what it is) and other awards.


  • edited November 2020 1952 karma
    1. yeah, it is pretty annoying! some schools would also ask if it was full-time or part-time on your résumé...
      i'd put it as # of hours per week, next to (or right below) your dates of employment, unless they specify otherwise. putting "abc company associate ... 1368 hours" looks kind of silly. whatever you choose to do, just make sure to be consistent with how you represent it.
      i'd do everything that they ask you to do for each school. in the end, you'd probably end up with multiple versions of your résumé.

    2. in my opinion, dean's list or the president's list are pretty relevant to your degree, and i think many people would know what they are without explanations. so i think i'd put it under the education section like david recommends.
      but if you only have a few number of other awards (like 1) under the "awards/honors" section, i can imagine how that can look kind of awkward.
      people can be like: "really bro? you really had to have an awards/honors section for that 1 award you received?"
      in this case though, i'd consider putting your dean's/president's list there for company.

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