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Free Group Tutoring Session for LR (Wed 12/2)

jwk291291jwk291291 Member
edited November 2020 in Logical Reasoning 249 karma

Hi, I posted on here before talking about free group tutoring, especially in LR (see post linked below!)
I wanted to let everyone know (and possibly some new people as well) that the time/topic has been finalized!

The group session will on Wednesday 12/2 noon/12pm GMT+9, or 10pm EST. It should go on for around 1.5-2, or so, and I'm going to be covering, roughly, the following topics:
- Some general information about the LR
- Formal Logic in the LSAT: a systematic approach
- Taking Blind Review a step further
Afterwards, I'll be going through an entire LR section and talking through my approach. If you want to follow along, please have PT20 S1 in hand.

Join the following zoom link @noon/12pm GMT+9, or 10PM EST!
with password 686121
Conf Id 552 864 7080 also works with the same password. Thanks, and see you soon!

If you can't make the time, I'll try my best to schedule a second session, so please let me know.



  • lsatdiva333lsatdiva333 Member
    227 karma

    thank you! will be joining

  • nfleishman11nfleishman11 Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    Thanks, I'll be there :smile:

  • chaplin___chaplin___ Alum Member
    601 karma

    thanks for putting this together!

  • FlaxseedsFlaxseeds Member
    40 karma

    Thank you for this!

  • Destined4GREATERDestined4GREATER Core Member
    66 karma

    I will be there, thanks in advance!!!

  • Marissa L.Marissa L. Alum Member
    9 karma

    looking forward to it, thanks!

  • LinnnyyyLinnnyyy Member
    89 karma

    Thank you joonwookang! Will be there!

  • marulionmarulion Member
    edited December 2020 19 karma

    thank you! will be there!

  • jwk291291jwk291291 Member
    249 karma

    Thanks everyone for coming. It was great!

  • winster1winster1 Member
    115 karma

    Hi there! Unfortunately I missed this session, but if possible, could you please provide a short summary on the formal logic in the LSAT approach that you went over? Thanks in advance!

  • hannah.mehtahannah.mehta Yearly Member
    48 karma

    @winwin01 said:
    Hi there! Unfortunately I missed this session, but if possible, could you please provide a short summary on the formal logic in the LSAT approach that you went over? Thanks in advance!

    I agree! Unfortunately, I am just seeing this, and would love to know more about what I missed and if you will be scheduling another session soon, @joonwookang

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