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Practice Test Taking

EricLelio93EricLelio93 Live Member

For the LSAC LawHub prep tests purchased with the monthly plan on LSAC's website, is there an option to switch the test to a Flex test like on 7Sages prep test Platform? Are others routinely taking the LSAC's prep tests to simulate the actual test day interface and then reviewing the questions with explanations from the corresponding test on 7sage? Looking for the best way to incorporate the LSAC tests with the 7 sage explanation material.


  • RosenvibesRosenvibes Member
    64 karma

    I love the blind review and simulated flex features on 7sage preptests. It would be awesome if lawhub offered even one of these features. If its possible please share!

  • Are the two interfaces significantly different? If so, I might take my last couple scheduled practice tests on LawHub but I find the analytics and Blind Review within 7Sage to be extremely useful which is why I'm taking them here.

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