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Study/Accountability Group for January Test Takers

sjsoltau-1sjsoltau-1 Member

I'm taking the January exam and have been really trying to grind but find myself getting easily distracted. I've been scoring high 150s but I'm aiming for mid 160s. If anyone is interested in being an accountability buddy let me know! I'm also down to create a GroupMe or Whatsapp group for all things LSAT and law school applications. We don't have to feel alone in this whole process :)


  • UThopefulUThopeful Alum Member
    15 karma

    hey! I'm interested, im also scoring 150's and aiming for 160

  • emayanja96emayanja96 Member
    5 karma

    Hey! I'd be down to join your study group, I'm aiming for mid to high 160s too! Let me know if you're interested.

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