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Hello! I submitted my transcripts to LSAC earlier in the year and just reviewed them now and noticed that their tabulation for my GPA is below what it is on my transcript. I understand that they convert the scaling and that affects some transcripts, but my issue is a bit unique. I was a part of a 5 year MBA program that allowed you to get an undergraduate degree in 3.5 years and an MBA in 1.5---all in one go. You get awarded both degrees at the conclusion of accomplishing your MBA. When I went to my transcript summary report on LSACs website, they included everything 2018 forward to completion 2019 (started undergrad Fall 2014) as part of my undergraduate tabulation, which is incorrect since I finished off my undergraduate courses in the fall of 2017. In effect, they've included all my graduate work in my undergraduate GPA totals. I phoned up LSAC and the woman I spoke with understood that this was an issue and helped forward a message onto re-tabulating my GPA. I just got an email back from LSAC and now they're telling me that they do include graduate degree grades in the undergraduate tabulation if those courses are completed prior to earning your undergraduate degree. To my knowledge graduate course work was never included in the tabs. I'm so confused now since my resume has what both my university, and the woman I spoke with at LSAC said was correct, but now LSAC is telling me I'm wrong. According to LSAC they're telling me I've got a 3.77, but my transcript is a 3.82, and my graduate degree was a 3.8. Really concerned here that there's going to be a big problem with my apps now. Called up the admissions and records department at my university and they're confused as well and don't understand how they came to that number. Anyone have any suggestions?


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