Some background- I have been stuck around the same score (+/- 2 points) for quite a while. I took 57 recently and saw a drastic jump in my score. I really want to feel happy as this is the first time I've done this well. I've changed things up a bit in terms of the way I BR, drill, etc. I am, however, concerned that it was a fluke/serious outlier. Full disclosure: I won't be able to take another full PT for a few days and am eager to know if this legit! That's what led to this post.
It looks like one of the BR groups is taking the PT this week. If anyone is willing to share their general impressions of this PT, I would really appreciate it. Difficulty relative to other tests, section to section, etc. I've had a hard time nailing down (even in BR) what exactly I'm struggling with since the type varies quite a bit.
- Did my weakest question types show up less? (e.g., if NA question types are your weakest, were there less NA questions in PT 57 than in the others)
- Did my weakest question types show up earlier? Typically, 1-14 with the exception of 9/10 are supposed to relatively easier. Did you notice that in PT 57 all the NA questions were in the 1-14s?
- Did your weakest question types have arguments that you're better with? (e.g., you notice no difference in frequency or placement of NA question types but you are BOMB DOT COM at destroying causal arguments where the correct answer choice addresses an alternative cause)
- Did the science passage come earlier rather than later, and could this have contributed to my high score?
- Did the science passage have less questions so I had less room to make an error? (of course these two questions assume you have difficulty with science passages)
This list is by no means comprehensive but I think asking and answering these kinds of questions will give you a better idea of whether or not this test is a fluke. And of course, the best way to know whether your score is an outlier is take more practice tests and see if you're creating a new trend.
Regardless, congrats!
I'm dying at this comment. LOL!!!!