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Advice--huge discrepancy between actual score and BR

SaulGoodmanSaulGoodman Member
in General 111 karma

BR is typically in the low 170s, but my timed PT scores are in the 150s. Any advice on how to dramatically cut down on time? I usually finish the PT with almost 1/4 of the questions unanswered because of spending too much time up front.


  • Auntie2020Auntie2020 Member
    552 karma

    Since you have your foundations down and you know how to get to the right answers, you probably have to keep drilling timed to get comfortable with the timed test and also employ a skipping strategy. Time management is a tough factor to juggle, and I am on the same boat.

    What I found with my stronger sections which are LG and RC, you just have to cut your losses and move on to gain low-hanging fruit and maximize points. When you spend too much time on one question, and you have a bunch more to go you can't afford spending 2-5 minutes on it. Part of that is also knowing the test in and out so identifying the answer is instantaneous and you have to be confident enough to trust your gut. Knowing you can trust your gut comes from the hours behind the scenes and before the timed test when you've been drilling and studying.

    I found the most gains in LG and RC where I trust myself and get to the right answer. I am still working on getting faster in LR, but I am guessing it's the same process.

  • jtd12345jtd12345 Member
    30 karma

    To share some personal experience:

    This bit only applies if LR is an issue, but I highly recommend The Loophole by Ellen Cassidy. I'm not finished with it yet, but it has dramatically helped me get better at certain question types that historically have taken me the longest and focuses on skill-building and not just drilling through PTs. To be transparent, LR timing isn't typically a major issue for me, but her process has sped me up anyway (without sacrificing quality).

    With LG, for me it was just practice and going through the complete curriculum. It's a tedious process, but the 7sage advice to redo every game you have any trouble with is has dramatically helped me get through LG (was only getting through 2/3, now can usually finish).

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