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What should I prioritize study wise?

hobbietjhobbietj Core Member
in General 59 karma

My study schedule wants me to basically go through all of the Logical Reasoning sections before I even look at logic games and reading comp... However, I average -4 on a full section and am getting nailed by logic games. My reading comps Im getting 6/7 wrong and I haven't even started that portion of my syllabus. Should I continue to do Logical Reasoning, or go into logic games and get better at that bc I heard its where people make up most of their points.


  • TimeIsMoneyTimeIsMoney Member
    495 karma

    Take this advice if you take any. I was in your boat. Doing awful on LG and decent on LR. When i focused all my time on LG, i improved DRAMATICALLY. I went from getting -15 on average to -3/4 in just a few weeks of studying. When you feel confident on logic games, the rest of the test feels so much more reasonable. Your reading is pretty solid already and your LR! I never did that good even on my best PT. Sounds like you are in very good shape overall and if you can get that LG up, you'll be sitting great.

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