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How many foolproofed games/PTs have you done?

yunonsieyunonsie Member
edited February 2021 in Logic Games 611 karma


I need a sanity check cuz I get pretty frustrated with how much my LG scores fluctuate. I completely foolproofed 10 PTs and then scored [-0, -1, -1] on the next three new sections. Started feeling pretty good about it, so I shifted my focus elsewhere. But then the last two sections were -4 and -5. Can anyone else relate? Were you able to get out of this rut?

How many PTs did you foolproof before you got your LSAT score that you applied with? I'm aiming for a -0, so I just want to be consistent with how I do before the April exam. I'm definitely going back to more foolproofing, but was I being silly for thinking 10 PTs was enough?

Edit to add: Anyone have tips on motivation to foolproof games to death? Generally, I'm really good when it comes to focusing, but I think I keep rushing to finish LG because I dislike foolproofing so much.


  • gerstle19gerstle19 Core Member
    100 karma

    I've completed/foolproofed about 15 LG sections. I'm aiming to drill the entire 'bundle' (LG PT 1-35) along with LG's from the PT's I take. Although I've seen gradual improvements from my review, I don't believe 15 is enough.

    From what I've heard, the more logic games you can be exposed to, the better. Like any part of the LSAT, the games, and the rules within them, are repetitive; the more games you see, the more you'll be able to anticipate various assumptions being made--even on more difficult ones.

    I think it's additionally important to avoid rushing through foolproofing. As has been reiterated again and again, review is the most fundamental part of improvement, especially if you're trying to go -0. Try to consider why it is that you dislike foolproofing; if it seems mundane, come up with a solution to combat that. Maybe try to complete the individual game under target time, or create sets of all the games that are the hardest (4/5 stars) or that you have the most trouble with.

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