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I was wondering if we wanted to start a post/thread on all the funny/crazy things JY has said on the explanation videos? A little something to make us laugh during the limited-human-interaction we've had during Covid and maybe learn something in the process.
"Fuck the seagulls" has always been my personal favorite... followed by, "Guys... you're not going to believe this. I fucking killed a bear."
Bonus: Children are pretty dumb, I'm not sure how I can help you, What the fuck is happening to me right now?
Shit... which lesson was seagulls? I can't find it now and it's stressing me out.
YES "fuck the seagulls" Or his strong dislike of cats comes through when you do enough LR.
I think it was in the PT 70s where there was a strengthen/weaken question about a patient in a hospital bed and JY goes "Wrong! Maybe if the doctor walked in and started smothering patients, but I don't think that'd help the treatment" then he just moves casually on to the next AC. UGHH trying to find this video along with the seagulls.
From now on when I find funny stuff JY says I'm dropping it here.
"they are able to survive even the harshest and most prolonged droughts in the region... oh, so in other words, these grasses are real tough mother fuckers"
“Go on a date. You’re studying for the LSAT, you’re obviously single or will be very soon.”
“maybe for the feeble-minded”
and all the "Who knows and who cares!?" statements
this grass are some tough mother fuckers 😂
what kind of grass just fucking dies in a circle😂
had me cracking up!!
The fairy circle question!! How have I just found this thread XD
The other state names might be wrong, but I just can't remember which question this was. There were lots of random "Y-O-ming" state facts that randomly popped up throughout the rest of the explanation, like the state dinosaur. Died.
@"Lime Green Dot" I think that was when he was trying to draw the outline of the United States... I love it when he draws an outline then overlays that with what it actually suppose to look like😂
"I dont care if you have a boner for Homer"
These responses are cookie-cutter.
"C is obviously wrong." I'm like sir, it can't be that obvious if i picked it
@BigJay20 OMG I know right! I use to have that problem so much! Or the "nobody would ever pick this answer."🤣
"you can never escape branding"
circles the 7sage logo on the bottom of the screen with mouse
"This game should take you no longer than 5 minutes..." Not so much because he says it... more for your reaction.
I almost miss those days... almost.
Ahhh I loved that first one because it's SO TRUE.
"I feel like I know more about the okapi than I do about my cat."
"The LSAT writers, they can tell any story they want [...] but they decide that it's a child, playing the worst game ever in the history of games, according to rules that we have trouble understanding, that apparently this child is supposed to be able to follow."