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How to use PrepTest 1-35 Drilling Materials

griff23dgriff23d Core Member
in General 42 karma


Could someone explain to me what's the difference in usage of the Preptests 1-35 (Drilling Materials) and the Preptests that come after PT35? Are we supposed to take Preptests 1-35 as full timed-tests or are we using the different sections for drilling?



  • CardsnHogzCardsnHogz Alum Member
    168 karma

    1-35 are for drilling problem questions and for full proofing logic games.

    36+ Are newer tests, and ideally you want to save those for your timed practice full length practice tests. As you move through them, you begin working on tests that are more current and ideally* be more representative of what you'll see on test day.

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