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Conditional Scholarship for Indiana

Hi Yall,
I just got my first offer and its from Indiana with a pretty good scholarship offer(over 40K) but the package is renewable contingent upon me maintaining a 2.3 GPA or higher. Is this the infamous Conditional Scholarship that I heard so much about in various forums and recruitment events or is this a regular condition that comes with all scholarship?

I heard that schools might put all their conditional scholarship students in one session like some sort of scholarship hunger game to save them some money but it is also my understanding that most law school curve their grades toward around 3.0-3.2 range(could totally be wrong, this is just me guessing), so a 2.3 GPA does not seem that outrageous to me. My thinking is if I get a 2.3 or lower I'll probably drop out anyway since the job prospect is pretty bleak for the bottom third of a non-T14 school students.

So should I go back and argue for the admission staff to take the condition off my scholarship offer or should I not worry about it?


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    As a former admissions officer, maintaining a 2.3 seems like a extremely reasonable bar. Each school has its own policy about what minimum GPA is necessary to remain a student in good standing before a student receives an academic warning or is put on academic probation. In my experience, that minimum has not been far off from 2.5.

    If you are a few weeks shy of Indiana's deposit deadline and have other competing offers that are unconditionally, you can very politely and professionally ask your target school if they would consider removing the condition if you promised to deposit there. Good luck!

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