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Take the October 2021 LSAT?

onyourmarkonyourmark Member
in General 45 karma

Hi everyone,

I would really like some advice on should I take the October 2021 LSAT. I'm an international student currently in Asia and was originally planning on taking the April, June, and July LSAT-Flex. However, as LSAC cancelled the July test this year and I'm not eligible to take the August test due to being an international student, I'm struggled between taking the October test or not. I've already registered for the April and June test, but I'm not 100% sure that I can reach my ideal score in these two attempts. Therefore, I'm just wondering does everyone think the October test's score will be too late for the 2022 admission cycle? (I know that theoretically we can get our scores back before Thanksgiving but I really wanna send out all my applications before November).

Any advice would help!


  • universemeuniverseme Core Member
    155 karma

    I think it's not late at all. No worries!

  • galacticgalactic Yearly Member
    690 karma

    Hi onyourmark, I cannot speak for people that actually work in the law school admissions/admissions consulting biz, but from everything I have heard and read about this process, taking the October '21 LSAT to apply for the 2022 admissions cycle is not late at all.

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