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Scores dropping

in General 4 karma

I've been studying since October and my original test date was Feb. My scores weren't increasing after a lot of tutoring, and on individual sections I was scoring great but altogether it was completely different. I pushed back my feb test date to April because my scores were not what I needed them to be. Right before I took a two week break I scored the highest on a preptest (159), and when I came back from break I was right back to a 153 (my diagnostic score). My goal score is around a 163, but lately I haven't been able to break 154. I am used to scoring about 18-20 on each section individually, but altogether it seems to be a lot worse. I don't know what's happening to my scores but they just keep getting lower since I took the 2 week break from studying. I don't know what to do and the test is a month away, I want to at least get to 160 before the date. Help!


  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello, @kayla.sophiaa23
    there are a few things that it could be. It could be burn out though unlikely because you just came back from a break. The next question is, what the 159 close to your other PTs? or was it a significant jump in one PT? If that is the case then maybe you are starting to break into a new PT range but are not quite there. What are your BR scores?
    The quickest way to 160 in my opinion would be to go -0/-1 in LG then it does not take much in LR and RC to break 160. Is there a section that stands out where you are getting a lot more wrong that the other sections?
    I would go back to that 159 exam and figure out what it was that made you get that score and compare it to the exams you are taking now. Then you can start to work on the questions that are giving you the most trouble.

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