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Retaking the LSAT (addendum?)

jenna.croymansjenna.croymans Free Trial Member

Hi! I'm hoping to start law school this fall 2021, and I took the LSAT and got a 150 (I didn't use 7sage, and I'm def going to now). I'm retaking in June, but what I'm wondering is if I should add an addendum to the applications I am finishing this week to say that I'm taking the June test and ask that any negative decisions be withheld until that score is released. The committee would be able to see that I have an upcoming exam on my application, so is this even necessary? I have no idea. I emailed one school to ask for such a request and they basically got back to me and said it wasn't really possible. Thoughts?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8486 karma

    School dependent you can ask to be reviewed or held... each school will have a different default once they see you are registered for another test, and their own policy regarding what is allowed. This late in the cycle, holding until June is not as likely an option as schools will have most of their classes locked in by that point.

    ask that any negative decisions be withheld until that score is released.

    I've never seen this as an option. You're basically saying, "if you'll admit me, go ahead and do it, but if you're going to reject me, wait for my new score." You can't have it both ways.

    Depending on your goals and current performance, it's likely in your best interests to extend your prep timeline and just plan on reapplying. Vs a June review date, a few more months of prep and applying early for the next cycle three months later is probably going to make a world of difference.

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