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How do you guys use 7Sage?

kjin0424kjin0424 Core Member
in General 5 karma

I just started using 7Sage from two weeks ago, and I'm wondering how other people are using this 7Sage. I started from the beginning, but it's getting really difficult when I came up to different types of questions in LR. There are a lot of problem sets, and doing the same thing over again kind of blow up my mind. So I somewhat left some problem sets for later to solve and went on to other types of questions. Would this be fine? or should I just finish every problem set without going to other question types?
Also, is it necessary to go over the lessons in order? I somewhat want to do LG and RC too, but since the lessons are in order, I feel like I have to go through the lessons in order (also because some of the previous lessons give lots of hints and learning for future lessons.

I want to know how you guys use 7Sage efficiently! Thank you!:)


  • Derek ShawDerek Shaw Member
    25 karma

    I'm by no means an expert, but I have been using 7Sage since December. Don't feel discouraged that there are still many problem sets you cannot do. Personally, I think it is perfectly okay to move on and come back to them later.

    The one thing I do believe is important to learn first is the lawgic taught in the LR section. That will be applied heavily in the games section. Going in order can be beneficial but isn't absolutely necessary. Do what you feel helps you the most.

    But to answer your question, no you do not need to do every problem set before moving on. I would actually advice against it. I would do 1 or 2 sets and move on, coming back to the rest later on when I was ready to practice some more.

    At the end of the day everyone is different and you will find what works best for you.

    I hope this helps!

  • CG______CG______ Core Member
    22 karma

    I actually feel the same way with problem sets. But my anxiety is not letting me skip it. Though, what I've noticed is the more I do the problem sets, the better I am with them. Just keep on going!

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