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Is there any way to "fool proof" logical reasoning questions?

Typically, we fool proof for logic games, but is there any way we can methodically be successful at LR?


  • autumn.ames23autumn.ames23 Member
    251 karma


  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    I think the main issue with LR is that if you see a question too many times, you just memorize the answer and not the reasoning behind the answer, which defeats the purpose.

    There is definitely a benefit in seeing a question multiple times though. I think you just have to be diligent about remembering the rationale for the right answer and not just knowing the right answer.

    So maybe star the question you missed, wait at least a week and do many more questions in between. Then do the questions again in a custom problem set. Be extra certain that you can actually explain the reason for all the wrong answers and the right answers.

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