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Substitution Effects in LG

Can someone please explain to me how I should map out the substitution for rules questions in LG? The questions where it asks you how would substituting this rule for another rule have the same effect on the board is something that isn't clicking with me.


  • MartianmanMartianman Core Member
    211 karma

    I am by no means a LG expert but I approach these intuitively as kind of an elimination, read the proposed substitution rule and check if it allows anything to happen differently, eliminate it if it does. My $0.02

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    edited March 2021 1687 karma

    hello, @"Timmy Is an Avg Kid that No One Understands" PT84 S4 Q17 is where I pulling this example from.
    SPOILER FOR PT 84 S4 Q17
    for example: question 17 wants us to find a rule that has the exact same implications as the rule: “K cannot be nominated as councilor”

    So with the original set of rules, there is X number of different possible game boards. The Correct answer to Q 17, will keep the exact same layouts of the game boards and at the same time, keep the same number of games boards that the original set of rules gave us.
    So we want to find a rule that will replace “K cannot be nominated as councilor” and yet keep the number of game boards and at the same time, keep the same layout of the game boards as the original rules gave us.

    Answer choice E does just that.

    To really drive this point home, redo this game and create every possible game board(I think there are 10), and then cross off the rule “K cannot be councilor” from the original rule list and replace it with “if K is a nominee, then K is a nominee for mayor” and then solve for all possible game boards, you will get the exact same layout of the game boards and the exact same amount of game boards.
    That is the essence of this question if we replace rule X with rule Y from one of the ACs what will give us the exact same number and the exact same game boards as before. All the other answers will either allow 1 or more game boards in to our original world(all possible game boards) or the rule will get rid of a game board(restrict our possible worlds).
    I would also like to add proficiency in this question type is way easier to get once you have all the other games/questions down pat and you can start to do a lot of the inferences right away and in your 'minds eye' as JY puts it. Normally for me I can get it once I see the correct answer or I can narrow it down to a 2 ACs then I pick one try it and then I'll know my answer or not. This question will become easier to do once you have a mastery over games. In my head I see the game board(most of the time) then I see what A does and think " does this add or delete any games" yes, wrong, next B same thing until I get my answer or I flag and move on if I can not get it I flag and come back to it at the end.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    473 karma

    Try making a new game board with the IF letter now in pay the way they've said. Then you should be able to make inferences and plug in most or all of where the others letter can go before you answer that question.

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