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Trouble Breaking out of 160/low ugpa

Monty1994Monty1994 Member
in General 13 karma

I took my first diagnostic LSAT around April of 2020 and scored a 161, with LG as my weakest section by far (only got all the way through one game). During the school year I work and go to school full time, and I have the summers off. I used last summer to take the Test Masters course, but by the end I had only improved my score by two points, mostly because I am really slow at LG and I’m not able to get through the games in time, though my other sections are generally good (normally miss about 3 on RC, 3-6 on LR). I got a 7Sage subscription and I have been studying on and off since then, and I just took my first practice test since the fall and scored a 160 :( My highest practice test to date is a 164 with a 174 blind review score, and I’m discouraged I dropped from that point. I mainly am just really struggling with Logic Games, and even though I’ve done a million of them I am still very slow, which is the main thing holding my score back.

I also had some bad things happen in my personal life during undergraduate that resulted in a low undergraduate GPA (though I’m currently enrolled in a Master program at an Ivy with a 3.9 GPA, and I have good softs like published research in a prestigious journal, lots of leadership positions etc.), so I feel pretty discouraged because I know I need to knock the LSAT out of the park to compensate, and because my diagnostic was relatively high I thought I could do it but now I'm losing hope. I’m also discouraged because I seem stuck so stubbornly around 160 and I just feel like I am not getting any faster at LG. Any advice/encouragement is welcome. Thanks in advance!

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