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Taking LSAT five times?

rqun3737rqun3737 Alum Member
in General 97 karma


Here is some basic info of me: I took two lsat's two years ago and cancelled them. It was so stupid to do that but I was like a nuts and know nothing about lsat. I took another two lsat last year, one for 150, one for 157. I started studying since October last year. My current pt score (using LSAC Lawhub) is around 170, sometimes higher sometimes lower.

I registered lsat in June. Recently, I talked with some people in this boat, read some related articles. All said that I shouldn't take more than five times. So this would be my last chance to get a fine score.

So I wonder if anyone had experiences taking more than five times? Does that affect admission a lot?

If not taking June, My options are August or October. I feel that October is a little bit late. And June is the last flex test, meaning less materials, less pressure?

Just want to talk with someone who had this issue.



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