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Sufficient Assumption Questions

I am having the hardest time with this section. Can someone please help me understand. I understand the concept, but when it comes down to bridging the gap between the conclusion and premise its gets kind of difficult for me. When I come across problems that have a conclusion and premise that takes up about 2 lines how am I suppose to shorten and diagram it ??


  • 279 karma

    1st - don't overthink it and don't accept that you can't do it
    2nd - if you are struggling with diagramming go to the core curriculum and go over it again - you have to recognize what the suf/nec indicators are and place the appropriate items/units/parts in their corresponding sides - without this, you won't do well on
    3rd - re: SA Qs - you just read an argument - don't accept it! It is (99% of the time) flawed in some way, i.e. there is a specific set of circumstances where one thing will cause the conclusion NOT to follow from the premises. Ask yourself, what is that thing that throws the whole thing in the trash? (Make sure you can explain what the argument is in your own words first.) Now, once you have it, come up with the broadest, strongest, even most ridiculous claim that will GUARANTEE that the worst-case scenario you identified CAN NOT happen!

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