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Please add ability to see PT score before completing blind review

orangeyf3orangeyf3 Member
in General 12 karma

I am too tempted to look at my score after each practice test to do blind review via the 7Sage interface (I still do it, but not in the streamlined and convenient way that 7Sage offers). Can you please add the ability to see your score (or at least the option to do so) before doing "blind review?" Thanks!


  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    1417 karma

    This would be HUGE if they did it haha, but you can kind of work around it by taking the exam on Lawhub first and.. yeah.. It won't have time stamps, but it kind of works.

  • EricLelio93EricLelio93 Live Member
    90 karma

    Did someone say ability?

  • calmclamcalmclam Member
    99 karma


  • edited April 2021 540 karma

    I certainly also get these temptations to "see" my timed score prior to BR.

    But I think that NOT knowing your timed score is an important factor when going in to BR. For example, if I already know my timed score and it is high, maybe I'll be more prone to slacking off on the BR process. Conversely, if I know that it is low, maybe I'll be more prone to reviewing every single question, rather than the flagged ones. This could mess up my internal calibration on which questions felt difficult and which questions were easy. My feeling of overconfidence/underconfidence is hard to establish this way.

    And when you are comparing your BR scores from one test to the next, now you have to assess the relative effect of having known your timed score in the first place. Did I do well on that BR score because I really dug in deep into the questions untimed? Or is it because my timed score was already high and I didn't have to do much in BR to begin with?

    The important point with the BR is to NOT know your score and remove any biases from your study.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited April 2021 5740 karma

    @orangeyf3 said:
    I am too tempted to look at my score after each practice test to do blind review via the 7Sage interface (I still do it, but not in the streamlined and convenient way that 7Sage offers). Can you please add the ability to see your score (or at least the option to do so) before doing "blind review?" Thanks!

    Hi there,

    The Blind Review process requires that you do not view the answer key until you have completed your Blind Review. Knowing your PT score cuts against that logic since it will give you a idea of how many questions you in fact missed. See lesson: The Blind Review Step 2 - Reviewing your thought process.

    However, I have taken note of your request, and I will pass it on to my team.

    Let us know if you have any further questions.

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